Andreja Bistričić i Maja Merlić, najbolje prijateljice i osnivačice branda DIORALOP rade beskompromisnu modu. No, glupo je upotrijebiti riječ moda kada govorimo o ovim djevojkama jer ono što one rade svakako nadilazi granice tog pojma. Njihova igra simetrije i asimetrije, tame i svjetla, crnog i bijelog ostavlja bez daha, a sudeći po uspjesima koje DIORALOP niže, i to ne samo na domaćem tlu nego i vani, ove djevojke uskoro će pokoriti cijeli svijet!
Fashionbabica: Koliko kolekcija imate iza sebe i koja je to nit vodilja koja se proteže u svakoj od njih?
Dioralop: Iza sebe imamo 5 kolekcija koje su povezane printom nastalim od uništavanja Polaroid fotografija tj. razlijevanjem kemikalija iz Polaroida i izlaganjem različitim temperaturama. Time svake sezone dobivamo novi spektar boja i različite uzorke.
Fashionbabica: Što je to toliko zabavno u polaroidu, odnosno odakle ljubav prema istom, budući da i samo ime vašeg brenda zapravo znači polaroid, ali je napisan obrnuto?
Dioralop: Polaroid je zapravo zaslužan za naše prijateljstvo i suradnju. Maja se ranije počela baviti Polaroidima i njihovim kreativnim uništavanjem, što se Andreji posebno svidjelo te je odlučila da ih počnemo koristiti kao printeve. Tako smo se odlučile zadržati to kao potpis i oformiti brand jer smatramo da taj eksperimentalni i novi način stvaranja printa ima bezbroj mogućnosti u bojama i uzorcima.
Fashionbabica: Kako bi opisale odjeću koju kreirate?
Dioralop: Uvijek se poigravamo s androginosti, gubitkom razlike između spolova. Čiste linije i siluete su ključ u izradi krojeva i fluidnog načina na koji se print, koji je jak već sam po sebi, reže.
Fashionbabica: Inspiracija?
Dioralop: Najveća inspiracija nam je isključivo Bog.
Fashionbabica: Koje materijale i uzorke preferirate i zašto?
Dioralop: Uvijek koristimo prirodne materijale, od pamuka do svile. A uzorke dobivamo eksperimentalnim putem razlijevanjem kemikalija, tako da je to dugotrajan, ali zanimljiv proces u kojem uživamo.
Fashionbabica:Odakle ljubav prema geometriji koja je vidljiva u vašim odjevnim predmetima?
Dioralop: Budući da je Maja arhitektica, a Andreja modna dizajnerica, pokušavamo spojiti ta dva svijeta u jedan. Pa pretpostavljamo da je to uzrok stalne geometrije u našem radu.
Fashionbabica:Vaša odjeća ima tamnu, mističnu notu, rekla bih? To je svjestan odabir?
Dioralop: Volimo napuštene prostore, wastelands, koje koristimo kao lokacije za naše kampanje. To sigurno pridonosi tamnoj i mističnoj noti. Mislimo da se ne radi o svjesnom odabiru, nego da radimo jednostavno ono što jesmo.
Fashionbabica:Kakvi su muškarac i žena koji nose Dioralop?
Fashionbabica: Nedavno ste objavile novu kolekciju!Recite nam nešto o toj kolekciji?
Dioralop: Inspirirani socijalističkom arhitekturom bivše Jugoslavije u okolici Zagreba, ss 2014 kolekcija jakog i stoičkog karaktera suočava svijet bez spoticanja. Androginost ponovno igra važnu ulogu u ovoj kolekciji, pokušavajući uklopiti različite elemente oba spola, ali zadržavajući ženstvenost. Korištene tkanine također naglašavaju spoj spolova, kroz kontrast teškog pamučnog platna i prozračne svilene organze. Svi materijali su digitalno tiskani u Škotskoj .Boje su eksperimentalne s obzirom na tehniku izrade printa. Spektar ljubičaste je učahuren u ovoj kolekciji uz isticanje petrolej zelene te robusna paleta koja upotpunjuje estetsku DIORALOPa.
Fashionbabica: Gdje možemo kupiti Dioaralop?
Dioralop: DIORALOP za sad možete kupiti u našem showroomu u Ilici 101 u Zagrebu te u Vektor concept storeu u Berlinu.
check out more @
fotke skinute s Dioralop Facebook-a, fotkala najdivnija Sanja Bistričić
Dioralop - duo whose modern, powerful pieces are created with great talent and divine providence!
Andreja Bistričić and Maja Merlić, best friends and founders of the DIORALOP fashion brand make uncompromising fashion. But it is stupid to use the word fashion when we are talking about these girls because what they do certainly goes beyond the scope of that term. Their game of symmetry and asymmetry, dark and light, black and white leaves you breathless, and judging by the success DIORALOP repeats, not only on home soil , but also outside, these girls will soon conquer the whole world!
Fashionbabica : How many collections do you have behind and what is the guiding principle that extends through every one of them?
Dioralop : We have 5 collections behind which are connected with prints created by destruction of Polaroid photos, or to be exact, by spilling of chemicals from the Polaroid and their exposure to different temperatures. This way each season we get a new range of colors and different patterns.
Fashionbabica : What's so fun about Polaroid, and where the love for it comes from, since the very name of your brand actually means Polaroid, but is written the other way around?
Dioralop : Polaroid is actually responsible for our friendship and cooperation. Maja started working with Polaroid and its creative destruction earlier, which Andreja liked a lot and decided to start using them as prints. So we decided to keep it as a signature and create a brand because we believe that this experimental new way of creating print has a myriad of options in colors and patterns.
Fashionbabica: How would you describe the clothes you create?
Dioralop: We are always playing with androgyny, losing of differences between the sexes.Clean lines and silhouettesare the key in making of the cuts and fluidway in which the print, which is strong itself, cuts.
Fashionbabica: Inspiration?
Dioralop: The biggest inspiration to us is entirely God.
Fashionbabica: What materials and patterns do you prefer and why?
Dioralop: We always use natural materials, from cotton to silk.Patterns are obtained by experimental spillageof chemicals, so it's time consuming, but it is also an interestingprocess we enjoy.
Fashionbabica: Where the love of geometry that is visible in your clothes comes from?
Dioralop: Since Maja is an architect and Andrea is a fashion designe, we are trying to connect these two worlds into one. So we assume this is the cause of constant geometry in our work.
Fashionbabica: Your clothing has a dark, mysticalnote, I'd say? Is that a conscious choice?
Dioralop: We love abandoned places, wastelands, which we use as locations for our campaigns.It certainly contributes to the dark and mysticalnote. We think that this is not a conscious choice, but it’s justwho we are.
Fashionbabica: What are men and women who wear Dioralop like?
Dioralop: They are uncompromising and self-confidentindividuals.
Fashionbabica: You recently released your new collection! Tell us something about the collection?
Dioralop: Inspired by the Socialistarchitecture of the former Yugoslaviain the Zagreb area, ss 2014 collection of strong and stoic character faces the world without stumbling. Androgynyagain plays an important role in this collection, trying to incorporate different elements of both genders, but retaining femininity. Fabrics also emphasize the connection between the sexes, through the contrast of heavy cotton canvas and airy silk organza. All materials are digitally printed in Scotland. Colors are experimental given to techniqueof making prints. Spectrum of purple isencapsulated in this collection with an emphasis on petroleum green and robustpalette that complements DIORALOP aesthetic
Fashionbabica: Where can we buyDioaralop?
Dioralop: You can buy DIORALOPfor now in ourshowroom in Ilica 101 Street in Zagreb, and in the Vector Concept Store in Berlin.
check out more @
photos taken from Dioralop Facebook page, divine Sanja Bistričić took the photos