Selasa, 27 Mei 2014

Mizoginija u opusu Larsa von Triera part 1- Biblijski utjecaji u von Trierovom radu!

Sada kada je von Trierova trilogija pod nazivom "Depresija" napokon gotova, a strasti oko "Nimfomanke" napokon su se stišale, zaokružimo priču o svim von Trierovim ženskim likovima. Spomenuta trilogija sastoji se od filmova "Antikrist", "Melankolija" i "Nimfomanka", a u svom fokusu bavi se pitanjem depresivne žene. U čitavom von Trierovom opusu ključna su upravo ova dva pojma. Depresija - kao stanje od kojeg i sam boluje te  žena - prema kojoj redatelj posjeduje iznimno negativan stav. Od njegove "Medeje" iz 1988. do "Depresije", von Trier je "stručnjak" za lik sjebane žene. Potonja se, kao što sam navela sastoji od:

a) "Antikrista" iz 2009. – kojem imamo ženskog lika čije dijete umire u onom trenutku kad mu majka doživljava orgazam

b) "Melankolije" iz 2011. - u kojem imamo ženskog lika koji utjelovljuje depresivnu ženu kao suprugu

c) "Nimfomanke" iz 2013 – u kojem imamo ženskog lika koje utjelovljuje modernu kurvu babilonsku

Von Trier je tako u svojoj trilogiji pokrio sve tri uloge žene- majku, suprugu i kurvu, pritom sve tri kao oličenje zla. Ovaj zaključak čini se poprilično ishitrenim, ali molim vas za strpljenje, bit će pomno objašnjen. U sva tri filma, žena je luda ili bar iracionalna, dok je muškarac racionalan. Ona je također depresivna i neoptimistična, a on je energija koja objašnjava, daje kontekst, umiruje i podiže. U filmovima je prilično jak i religiozan, odnosno biblijki element, pritom prvenstveno mislim na "Antikrista" i "Nimfomanku", na koje ću se u tekstovima prvenstveno i osvrnuti,  jer je nekim čudom, lik Kirsten Dunst u "Melankoliji", pošteđen tjelesnog sakaćenja, psihičke torture i ponižavanja koji su tako svojstveni glavnim ženskim likovima u svim von Trierovim filmovima. Osim biblijskog elementa, vidljiv je i jak utjecaj Davida Lyncha koji je također poznat po iživljavanju nad svojim ženskim likovima. No, čak neću niti ulaziti u rad svih takvih sličnih redatelja, a lista ih je poduža, nego ću se "samo" osvrnuti na ono što Biblija ima za reći na temu žene kako bih vam dočarala što je toliko krivo u tome da se von Trier baš toliko pali na Bibliju kao izvor svoje mizoginističke inspiracije. A najmizogičnija knjiga ikad napisana kaže ovako: 

"Bolja je zloća muška nego dobrota ženska; od žene potječe sramota i ruglo."
[Knjiga Sirahova* 42, 14]

Ta ista Biblija, navodi kako žena nije stvorena kao muškarac, da slobodno šeta rajskim vrtom i imenuje životinje, nego upravo radi muškarca, da mu se nađe kao pomoć. Konkretno, ona je tu samo da rađa i pomaže mu, dok je njen položaj niži od onog životinja. "Muškarac - Čovjek onda imenuje ženu, kao i sve druge životinje prije nje!", kažu sveti spisi, a među mnoštvom takvih inspirativnih misli, izdvojila bih još neke poput:

"Malena je svaka zloća prema zloći ženskoj: neka je snađe kob grešnička!"
"Ne daj se zavesti ljepotom ženskom i ne žudi za ženom."
"Od žene je grijeh počeo i zbog nje svi umiremo."
"Ako ne čini kao što joj pokažeš, otpusti je od sebe."
"Kreposna je žena vijenac mužu svojemu, a sramotna mu je kao gnjilež u kostima."
"Ženina je bludnost u njezinu drsku pogledu i poznaje se po njezinim trepavicama."

Spomenimo i primjere žena kao oličenja zla koje se provlače kroz Bibliju:  

Saloma – zbog neuzvraćene ljubavi, zatražila je i dobila odsječenu glavu Ivana Krstitelja na pladnju.

Delila – prijevarno izručila supruga Samsona neprijateljima u ropstvo, sljepoću i smrt.

Eva – je unijela grijeh radi kojega svi umiremo/prokleti smo od rođenja, pa nam je muškarac Isus morao otvoriti vrata u Raj (samo ako ga priznamo).

Kršćansko tako otvoreno ženama pripisuje zlo, što nam "Ona" u "Antikristu" (glavna glumicu u filmu nosi samo naziv "Ona") divno pojašnjava svojim monologom na temu ženske prirode koja je u biti zla, tvrdeći kako žene ne mogu kontrolirati svoja tijela, već je priroda ta koja ih kontrolira. Njen  monolog bazira se na jednostavnoj formuli:  muškarac = racionalno, racionalno= dobro, muškarci = dobro, dok  priroda =  ženska priroda, žena= prirodno zlo.  Nije li zgodno ovako lagano prikriveno, u usta svoje glavne glumice ugurati takvo mizoginističko smeće od zaključka na temu ženskog roda? Nema šta' , Von Trier je specijalist za zao, hiperseksualan ženski lik i koliko god nam njegovi filmovi pokazuju sirovu žensku seksualnost i govore nam da ženska golotinja i seksualna želja jest normalna (makar joj on uvijek daje podkontekst zlog, neprilagođenog, sramotnog, mračnog, o nadasve mračnog), i koliko god na neki način kazuje da je ružno od nas što smo natjerali ženu da bude opterećena svojom seksualnošču, toliko uporno ženski lik stavlja u negativan kontekst!  

Misogyny in opus of Lars von Trier Part 1 - Biblical influences in von Trier's work!

Now that von Trier's trilogy titled "Depression" is finally done, and passions about "Nymphomaniac" finally got quiet, let's circle the story of all of von Trier's female characters. The aforementioned trilogy consists of films "Antichrist," "Melancholia" and "Nymphomaniac", and its focus is on the issue of depressive women. Throughout von Trier's work precisely these two terms are crucial. Depression - a condition which he himself suffers from and a woman - towards which the director has a very negative attitude. From his "Medea" from the 1988. to the "Depression", von Trier is the "expert" for the fucked up women. The latter as I stated,  consists of:

a) "Antichrist" from 2009. - which has a female figure whose child dies at the moment when his mother experiences an orgasm

b) "Melancholy" from 2011. - where we have a female character who embodies the depressive woman as a wife

c) "Nymphomaniac" from 2013. - in which we have a female character who embodies the modern whore of Babylon

So Von Trier covers all three roles of women in his trilogy – a mother, a wife and a whore, while all three are the personification of evil. This conclusion seems to be rather hasty, but please be patient, it will be carefully explained. In all three films, the woman is crazy, or at least irrational, while the man is rational. She is also depressed and non- optimistic, and he is the energy that explains, gives context, calms and raises. The films also have quite strong and religious or let's say biblical elements, and I primarily think here of the "Antichrist" and the "Nymphomaniac", which I will be primarily looking back in the texts, because  miraculously,  Kirsten Dunst's character in "Melancholia" is for some reason spared of physical mutilation, psychological torture and humiliation that are so characteristic for the main female characters in all of von Trier's films. In addition to the biblical elements, we can also see a strong influence of David Lynch who is also known for the oppression of his female characters. But I will not even go into the work of all such similar directors, although the list is long, but I will  "only" take a look at what the Bible has to say on the subject of women in order to illustrate what is so wrong with the fact that von Trier is so hot about the Bible as the source of his  misogynistic inspiration. And the most misogynistic book ever written says this: “A man's wickedness is better than a woman's goodness; women bring shame and disgrace."
[The Book of Sirach * 42 , 14 ]

This same Bible says that a woman was not created as a man, to feel free to walk the heavenly garden and appoint the animals, but just for the sake of man, she was created to help him. So her only role is to give birth and help him, while her position is lower than that of the animals. "Man - the man then appoints a woman, like all other animals before it!", say the scriptures, and among many such inspiring thoughts, I would single out some more like:

"Small is any malice toward wickedness of a women: let fate befall the sinner!"
"Do not be misled by the beauty of the woman and have no desire for a woman."
"From a woman a sin began and because of her we all die."
"If she doesn't do like you show her, let her go of yourself."
"A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband, and the shameful one is like rottenness in his bones."
"A woman's viciousness is in her brash look and is known through her eyelashes."

Let's also mention examples of women as embodied evil that permeate the Bible:

Salome - for unrequited love, she requested and received the head of John the Baptist cut off on a platter.

Delilah – she fraudulently extradited the husband Samson to the enemies into slavery, blindness and death.

Eve - she brought the sin, for whom we all die / we are cursed since birth, so our man Jesus had to open the door to heaven (if we admit him).

Christianity so openly attributes evil to women, which " She " in the " Antichrist " ( the main actress in the film is only named "She" ) explains  so wonderfully with a monologue on the topic of women's nature, which is in fact evil, arguing that women can not control their own bodies but the nature it the one who controls them.  Her monologue is based on a simple formula : male = rational, rational = good , men = good , while the nature = female, female = natural evil. Isn't it nice lightly disguised, to put such misogynistic trash conclusion on the subject of the female gender in the mouth of his main actresses? There is no doubt, Von Trier is a specialist for evil, hypersexualised female characters and although his films show us the raw female sexuality and tell us that female nudity and sexual desire are normal ( although he always gives subcontext of evil, unruly, shameful, dark, oh especially dark), and as much  in some way he indicates that is wrong of us  us to make a woman feel weighted with her sexuality, at the same time he persistently puts female character in a negative contexts !

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