Imaju i Balkanci svojuWasted Ritu!! Ona se zove Mej, dolazi iz Bosne i skriva se iza nečega što se zoveMuzej sjebanosti! Obožavat ćete njen mozak! Pročitajte sve o sjebanosti, umjetnosti i sjebanosti u umjetnosti u recima koji slijede!
Fashionbabica: Tko se krije iza Muzeja sjebanosti? Tko si ti ženo s tako zanimljivim mozgom? :)
Mej:Ja sam Maida Ljubuškić, prijatelji me zovu Mej, najbolja prijateljica iz djetinjstva Majuhom, a neprijatelji vjerojatno pljuju i zasipaju kojekakvim pogrdnim riječima. A šta reći nego, mudrost je kad te pljuju a ti mirno ispijaš pivo i čekaš da im se osuše usta.
Fashionbabica:Kako tako genijalan mozak može imati neprijatelje?
Mej:Ma, svaka samoživa hodajuća vreća kostiju ima neprijatelje..koji pljuju po svemu i svačemu, a ne ostavljaju ništa za sebe.
Fashionbabica: ZaštoMuzej sjebanosti?
Mej: Sve je krenulo na nagovor meni dragih ljudi i danas taj muzej predstavlja moj bijeg, moju stranicu na kojoj svakodnevno pišem misli koje kipe i puštam posjetioce da uđu...
Fashionbabica:Koliko je svijet u kojem živimo sjeban i što misliš da je posebno sjebano u našem društvu?
Mej: Svi smo mi sjebani, samo su neki sjebaniji od drugih. Sjebanost vrijedi hiljadu riječi. A kad smo kod društva, ta sjebanost se može poistovjećiti sa Balkancima. Zašto su isti postali plastične kineske lutke s izloga, čijim umovima ‘gospodare’ političari, od čijih stomaka nas Bog i ne vidi. Što bi rek’o Meša Selimović, svako misli da će nadmudriti sve ostale i u tome je naša nesreća.
Fashionbabica:Kako se othrvati sjebanosti?
Fashionbabica:Planiraš li printati svojartna t-shirte, kape, šalice… Planiraš li proširiti svojart?
Mej:Da, već smo počeli sa magnetićima i bedževima za područje Bosne, a za područje Hrvatske zasada imamo samo majice, a namjeravamo proširiti printove na ostale artikle i slično.
Fashionbabica: Što te inspirira u tvom radu?
Mej:Kako već uobičavam reći, ja nemam inspiracije, ja sam iz Bosne. Jednom riječju, sve. Od ljudi koji i dalje gledaju na retrovizore, a ne kroz šoferšajbu pa do mladih ograničenih ljudi.
Fashionbabica:Što znači biti samoživa vreća sjebanosti kako piše na tvom Facebook pageu?
Mej:Samoživa…iz crtica moje mladosti kada sam bila velika poklonica punk-muzike, prijatelji su mi često uobičavali govoriti, samoživi i hodajući punk, a danas sam poklonica psihodelije, trip hopa, progresije pa je iz toga na neki način proizašla samoživa vreća kostiju i sjebanosti.
Fashionbabica:Je li sjebanost nužno loša po tvom mišljenju?
Mej:Ne. Ja sam od onih ljudi koji su pronašli udobnost u sjebanosti.
Fashionbabica:Smatraš li se umjetnicom, Internet aktivisticom ili samo djevojkom koja ispoljava van ono što joj je na duši /u glavi?
Mej: Umjetnost je danas precijenjena. Kada vidim tko sebe danas zove ARTistom, dođe mi da angažujem ARTiljeriju. Ja sam samo kojekakva kustosica koja piše ono što ljudi misle.
Meet Mej, Balkan Wasted Rita who hides behind popular Facebook page of lost Balkan youth-Museum of fucked-up-ness!
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miles davis, coffee and pissed off greyness of my city |
Balkan also has itsWasted Rita! Her name is Mej, she comes from Bosnia and she is hiding behind something called Muzej sjebanosti ( The Museum of Fucked-up-ness) You will love her brain! Read all about fucked-up-ness, art and fucked-up-ness in art in the rows that follow!
Fashionbabica:Who hides behindMuzej sjebanosti? (The Museum of Fucked-up-ness). Who are you, woman with a brain so interesting? :)
Mej:I'm Maida Ljubuskic, friends call me Mej, my best friend from childhood calls me Majuhom and my enemies probably spit and throw all sorts of derogatory words at me. What can I say, wisdom is when they spit on you but you sit calmly drinking beer whilee you wait for their mouth to dry.
Fashionbabica: How can a brain so brilliant have enemies?
Mej: Well, every selfish walking bag of bones has enemies .. who spit at anything and everything not leaving anything for themselves.
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when you're unhappy it makes some people happy |
Fashionbabica:Muzej sjebanosti! Why?
Mej: It all started at the urging of my dear friends, and today the museum represents my escape, my page where I write daily thoughts that boil and let visitors in ...
Fashionbabica:How much is the world we live in fucked up and what do you think is particularly fucked up in our society?
Mej:We're all fucked, some just more than others. Fucked-up-ness is worth a thousand words. Speaking of society, that fucked-up-ness can be identified with the Balkan people because those same people become plastic Chinese dolls from the shop window, whose minds are 'mastered' by politicians, from whose stomachs even God can't see us. Like MesaSelimovic would say, everyone thinks he/she will outsmart the others and there lies our misfortune.
Fashionbabica:How to resist fucked-up-ness?
Mej: Resist? With music, books, getting the fuck away in the nature ..
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not all educated is literate |
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weather forecast; rain of self-conscious people, rain of hypocrites, rain of pulsating shit |
Fashionbabica:Do you plan to print your art on t-shirts, hats, cups ... Do you plan to expand your art?
Mej: Yes, we've already started with magnets and badges for Bosnia and as for the Croatian market for the time being we only have t-shirts, but we plan to expand prints on other items and such.
Fashionbabica: What inspires you in your work?
Mej: As I say, I have no inspiration, I'm from Bosnia. In one word, everything. From people who still look to the rearview mirrors, and not through the windshield to limited young people.
Fashionbabica: What does it mean to be self-centered bag of fucked-up-ness as it says on your Facebook Page?
Mej:Self-centered ... from the dashes of my youth when I was a great devotee of punk music, my friends often commonly told me I am self-centered walking punk, and today I am a devotee of psychedelic, trip-hop and progressive music so from it in some way derived selfish bag of bones and fucked-up-ness.
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ask me one more time what the fuck is wrong with me and I won't stop counting until New Year's Eve |
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the world is full of cavemen who haven't moved away from their cave but still talk about the magical lights of Las Vegas |
Fashionbabica:Is fucked-up-ness necessarily a bad thing in your opinion?
Mej:No. I'm one of those people who found comfort in fucked-up-ness.
Fashionbabica:Do you consider yourself an artist, Internet activist or just a girl who puts out what is on her soul / in her head?
Mej: Art is overpriced today. When I see who these days calls himself/herself an ARTist, it makes me want to engage ARTillery. I am just a curator who writes what people think.
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